Legal information

Information provided in accordance with sections III.74 et seq. of Book III and section XII.6 of Book XII of the Economic Law Code.

Tilia Law

Tilia Law is an incorporated partnership (VOF/SNC), whose objects are the practice of law as attorneys at law (advocaten/avocats). Tilia Law is an association within the meaning of the Rules of the Order of Flemish Bars of 8 November 2006.

All attorneys working with Tilia Law are members of the Brussels Bar and are admitted to carry on the profession of attorney at law in Belgium and bear the title of “advocaat” or “avocat”. For further information on the Brussels Bar, please consult the website at All attorneys at law working with Tilia Law are subject to the rules of the Order of Flemish Bars and of the National Order, which may be viewed at, and to the rules of the Brussels Bar.

Contact details

The registered office of Tilia Law and its business offices themselves are located at:

Leuvensesteenweg 369, bus 1
1932 Sint-Stevens-Woluwe

The firm’s registered number is: 0542.980.363 RLP Brussels. Its VAT number is: BE 0542.980.363.

Telephone: +32 (0)2 725 60 63
Fax: +32 (0)2 725 70 38

Each attorney at law has a personal e-mail address, which you can find on the “Our attorneys” page of this website.

Bank account

Our bank account is held with Bank Van Breda. Its number is:

IBAN: BE92 6451 4701 2023

The number of our third party account, held with BNP Paribas Fortis, is:
IBAN: BE15 0017 1335 2830

Standard terms and conditions

The Standard Terms and Conditions applying to services rendered by Tilia Law can be found on our website under “Standard terms and conditions”.

Professional liability insurance

The professional liability of Tilia Law and of the attorneys working with Tilia Law is insured with Zurich Benelux, CNA Insurance Company (Europe) and Liberty Mutual Insurance Europe.